September Raptors

The Mississippi Kites seem to have headed south in the last week or so, although I did see one up at Palo Duro Reservoir two days ago. I’m a little sad to see them go-I always enjoy watching them raise their chicks. To make their going a bit easier, I spotted the first of the Northern Harriers on the same day. Unfortunately I was unable to get a photo of either of them.

But as a consolation for missing those two shots, I was able to get several nice photographs of several other raptors this week.

American KestrelAmerican Kestrel (9) (1024x729)OspreyOsprey (76) (1024x684)

Swainson’s HawkSwainson's Hawk (48) (1024x697)

A pair Swainson’s Hawk juvenilesSwainson's Hawk (49) (1024x684) Swainson's Hawk (52) (1024x684)

And my favorite, a Red-tailed Hawk, western light morph juvenile taking his morning bath.Red-tailed Hawk juvenile (2) (1024x654) Red-tailed Hawk juvenile (4) (1024x737) Red-tailed Hawk juvenile (8) (1024x630) Red-tailed Hawk juvenile (9) (1024x788)

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